Saturday, July 5, 2014

Naked and Not Ashamed

Do you remember the big mysterious red box I got as a Christmas present from Rouge-Boutique? I certainly did not forget it! If you had forgotten, you can find my first post about it here. As I have shown at the beginning of the year, my nails have changed drastically since I began using Trind Cosmetics Products, even after only two weeks. If you can't believe it, see the evolution here. I have used Nail Balsam and Nail Repair simultaneously, daily, for two weeks in a row.

After I used up all  my Nail Balsam I was really sad, because the online shop was not active yet. So I waited and waited, and a couple of days ago a mysterious red can has been shipped to me. I had the feeling that it was because the shop went online and ... I was right!!!!! Finally!

I really recommend you to try Trind Cosmetics products. Visit the online shop by clicking here and choose between nail care products, nail treatments, nail polishes and accessories. The moment I saw it's open I ordered a new bottle of Nail Balsam. It's not the cheapest nail hardener out there (55 RON + shipping for a 9 ml bottle)  but it's certainly wort it!
 But what was inside the mysterious red can?

It was a Nail Brightener and a nail polish :-) Today I will show you  just what a big difference can the Nail Brightener make.

I have to admit that I was a little skeptical at first, because it has a strange purplish color, like some of the UV top coats. (The manufacturer recommends it to be used over Nail Repair or Nail Matt for an amazing affect and strong nails, but I only read these lines after I have applied it). Although I wasn't that excited about it, I gave it the benefit of a doubt :-)  

This is how my nails look when they are naked, after I remove my nail polish:

And this is how they look after the Nail Brightener is applied:

As I presumed, the strange color persist, but it isn't that annoying
I got used to it and people surprisingly noticed, that my nails looks good :-)

The Nail Brightener is available online, here and it costs 63 RON + shipping. 

Next time I will be using it over Nail Repair. Nail Repair has a light creamy white color and the light purplish Nail Brightener will surely look nice on top of it. 

If you like my manicures you can follow me on Bloglovin and Pinterest

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Until next time,
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  1. foarte frumos arata unghiutele tale <3

  2. That's awesome to hear and see that they worked for you!

    1. They are really good nail care products. I was surprised too :-)

  3. Ce unghii frumoase si albe ai <3,preturile sunt putin cam mari dar se pare ca isi merita fiecare banut. :*

    1. Multumesc. da intr-adevar au pretul cam piperat, dar decat sa cumpar alte 3 intaritoare si sa ma enervez ca mi se exfoliaza unghiile, mai bine dau putini bani in plus. Nail Balsam este un produs excelent. Ma tine aprox 2 luni (nu fac deloc economie :-) )


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