Friday, December 27, 2013

Trind Natural Nail Care - First Impressions

As promised yesterday (here), I am back with the first impressions regarding the Trind Natural Nail Care products. I haven't used any of my usual nail care products, only the ones gotten from Rouge-Boutique.

To be more exact, I have used the Nail Balsam and the Nail Repair, the 2 products from left to right.
This is how my nails look like in day 1:

The first product that I applied was the Nail Balsam. It is recommended if your nails are dry, brittle and grow slow. My first impression was that it smells pretty, almost like a hand cream (after all, it is supposed to be a balsam :-) ). Trind recommends to use Nail Balsam daily. Apply, wait 2 minutes and then massage the excess into the nail and the surrounding skin. I had the impression that I don't get enough balsam on the brush, but that was just the impression. After 2 minutes I still had some on my nails. After massaging it into your nails, they will feel hydrated and so soft! Almost as if you had applied nail polish. Nail Balsam check and like :-)

The Nail Balsam is oil free. This means that you can apply your base coat immediately after massaging Nail Balsam into the nails. This is exactly what I have done. Only that I have applied one coat of the Nail Repair strengthener. It is recommended for daily use for at least two weeks. The first impression was that I know this smell!

I am not sure about this, but my best guess is that I am recognizing the specific smell of formaldehyde. This is a very controversial ingredient. I admit I have no medical degree, nor chemistry or biology training. so I can't tell you anything for sure, regarding this ingredient. I can't tell you if it's safe to use or not. What I am sure about is that nail strengtheners that contain formaldehyde work for me. I have read a while ago, that nail strengtheners only contain a few % of formaldehyde. This amount is not dangerous for your health, but can create allergies and definitely will dry your skin and cuticles. After applying products containing formaldehyde, always moisturize your cuticles.

I will be using Nail Repair as a base coat for a few days and see what happens next. Until then, Nail Repair checked :-)

One more time, Day 1:

Stay close, to see whether  Nail Repair can be used as a base coat or not.

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  1. Pe spatele intaritorului de unghii scrie ca are aldehida formica (formaldehyde) deci ai nas bun :D balsamul l-am incercat si eu si imi place la nebunie cum miroase. Te pup

    1. :-)
      E foarte bun balsamul. Lasa unghia atat de fina.

  2. recunosc, nu am auzit de aceste produse pana acum. Si mie imi priesc tratamentele cu acest ingredient (eu folosesc essence intaritor gama studio) si sunt foarte multumita
    Primul produs suna bine

    1. Eu am aflat de ei in momentul in care am primit cutia. De atunci le folosesc si pana acum sut foarte multumita de ele :-)

  3. Mi s-au cam ingalbenit unghiile mele, le-am tinut in culoare mai tot timpul.

    1. Incearca sa folosesti un base coat sub manichiura. Daca stii ca oja este foarte pigmentata atunci poti aplica chiar si doua straturi de base coat. Deobicei ajuta.


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