Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

Hi Everyone!

I am in the glitter fever this Christmas.  I just can't stop using them (although they are so hard to remove :-) ).

For this Christmas I have chosen red and gold as base colors and added (you would never guess what...) some red and gold glitters! Yeah!

In order of appearance, from right to left:
China Glaze - Nr. 1020 Poinsettia
Essence - Nr. 140 Go Bold!
Isabelle Dupont - Gold
Essence - Nr. 121 Gold Fever
China Glaze - Nr. 883 Mrs. Claus

As seen in the picture, I haven't painted my hand the same.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Two Colors + Shatter

Lately I have some problems with my nails: they won't grow. They break and exfoliate no matter what I do :-(.

I have chosen these colors for short nails:

Alix Avien - White Shatter

S-he Stylezone - Nr. 204

Miss Maya - Nr. 41

I have tried strengthening my nails with Vitamin A, Vitamin B and Castor oil but unfortunately non of these work.  

How do you strengthen your nails?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I am back!


I haven't had the time to post lately, but I didn't forget my nails. Take a look at my manicures during the pause:

Rimmel - Nr. 400 Blue Vouge + Milani Jewel FX - Nr. 533 Silver

Meanwhile I had my first stripes mani:
White base: Flormar Supermatte Nr. M103
First coat of pink: Rimmel - Nr. 291 Urban Princess
Second coat of pink: Flormar Supermatte Nr. M104

Orange: Flormar Nr. 376

Gold glitter: Isabelle Dupont 

Halloween Nail:
Flormar Duo 2X Chrome - Nr. DC04

Friday, August 31, 2012

Saran wrap manicure

This is my first attempt of this manicure. This is how I have done it:
1. Apply a base color and wait until it dries completely. One coat should be enough. My base color is a light grey.
2. Apply a thick coat of the second color. I used a light lilac to avoid strong contrast between the color and to hide my possible mistakes.
3. Grab a little thick plastic bag and wrap it so that it looks like on the 4th picture.
4. Without waiting for the second color to dry, tap it with the plastic bag. This will practically rip off the second coat of polish where the bag makes contact with your nail.
5. If you ripped of to much you can correct it "manually" applying by applying the missing color.
6. Wait until it dries and apply a shiny or matte top coat for finishing. You will get a watermarbleish look.

Maybelline New York - Nr. 795 Cloudy Grey

Golden Rose - Nr. 182

The marbleish look with a shiny top coat.

The wrapped plastic bag with rest of lilac polish on it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Illusion Shatter

After my last manicure fail I wanted to show you something nice.
This is also a shatter manicure: as base I used a light green-purple-ish polish. The shatter is a mauve shatter I brought last year in Bulgaria.

I like the result, what do you think?

Base: Avon Nailwear Pro - Illusion

Shatter: Golden Rose Graffiti Nail Art - Nr. 05 

I like it how the base turned to a light pink/purple because of the shatter.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Manicure fail

As I brought the L'Oreal nail polish (nr. 608 Luxembourg Garden) I imagined myself a nice manicure, but finally I ended up with this:

L'Oreal - nr. 608 Luxembourg Garden (base, 2 coats)

Flormar Graffiti - Nr. G05 Yellow (crackle)

Moyra - Top Coat Fast Dry  (1 coat)

This is the second time I used the Flormar Yellor Crackle polish and I am very disappointed. Not because of the formula (that works great) but because of the color. It is...unwearable from my point of view. What color would you associate a yellow crackle with? 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Double Red feat. White

China Glaze - Nr. 1020 Poinsettia

S-he Stylezone - Nr. 306

+ the red shatter: Golden Rose Nr. 03

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

3 in 1

L'Oreal  Paris - Nr. 504 Insolent Magenta

Flormar - Nr. 445

China Glaze - Nr. 1023 Icicle

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Quick Mani

I wanted a simple manicure so I cam up with this: dark purple Rimmel + Milani Jewels.

Rimmel London I Love Lasting Finish - Nr. 180 Purple Pulse 

Milani Jewl FX - Nr. 533 Silver

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stripe mani

As I started this manicure I imagined something completely different, but I like this result too.

First I applied a neon pink as a base:

Natty Orkide - Nr. 445

After that I applied a more neon pink on the right side of the nail:

Moyra - Nr. 56

Third, I applied a more dark red/pink on the left side of the nail:

Flormar Supermatte - Nr. M104

And the result:

As I earlier said, this started as a different mani, this is why the lines aren't straight. I haven't used any tape, everything is done free handed.