Sunday, February 1, 2015

Let's Stamp!

After a long pause I am trying to get back to blogging and manicuring with a stamping manicure:

For this manicure I have used:
  • Golden Rose Selective - Nr. 41 Atomic Green
  • Black Konad stamping polish
  • No-name stamping plate

The Golden Rose Selective polish has a really nice texture, it covers really well (2 coats or 1 thicker coat will do it) and it has a really nice shine.

I have decided to buy some original stamping polishes, because I grew tired of images that do not transfer from the stamper of images which are almost visible on the nail. 
I have bought a black, white and red Konad Stamping polish for testing and if they turns out to be what I need, I will get more :-).
So far it looks like my Konad stash will grow!!! 

If you like my manicures you can follow me on Bloglovin and Pinterest

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Until next time,
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  1. It looks so gorgeous, really elegant and classy :)

  2. Mindnek elött a GR körömlakk nagyon szép és feltünő. Kezdem bánni, hogy nem vettem meg amikor volt rá alkalmam. Most igyekszem vissza tartani magam a körömlakk vásárlásból mert egyszerűen nincs már helyem nekik. Nekem is kifogytak a Konad pecsételő körömlakkjaim és nagyon hiányolom őket. Látván a perfekt nyomdázásod, nagyon vissza kell tartsam magam, hogy ne adjak egy rendelést :))

  3. This is a great looking manicure!


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